The time of the day you water your plants is crucial for their health. Watering a garden is an art you must learn. Always remember that plants require specific amounts of water, which you must deliver at the correct times. When you know the best time of the day to water your garden and do so effectively, your plants will be happier. Quench Irrigation experts maintain that plants may need water even if you live in a rainy region.
We’ll discuss the best times to water your plants, the second best, the poor, and the worst times. Read on.

The best times of the day to water your plants
The best time to water your garden is pre-dawn and early morning, specifically between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m. As you learned in school, photosynthesis is the process by which green plants synthesize nutrients from water and carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight.
Photosynthesis cannot take place without sunlight. This means if you water your plants at night, they will not be able to utilize the water, and it will go to waste. In the worst case, the water may even harm your pants. Likewise, since plants don’t photosynthesize at night, they won’t even utilize the fertilizer you have applied.

Reasons why you should water in the morning hours
Watering in the morning will give the water time to leach and reach the roots of your plants before the sun comes so that the plant can use the water. More reasons why you need to water your plants in the morning:
Photosynthesis is perhaps the main reason for watching your garden in the morning. As already mentioned, plants need sunlight to synthesize food, so by watering in the morning, you will give them enough time to be in contact with sunlight (from morning to evening).
Water pressure
According to irrigation professionals from Quench Irrigation, water pressure depends on the time of the day and is at its peak in the morning. This might be true only in some states, while in others, it may be constant throughout the day. But why does pressure matter? Watering plants is a lot easier with high water pressure since you’ll deliver more water per unit of time.
It is common knowledge that the wind is lowest at dawn. This will not only make your watering easier but will also reduce water loss.
Morning hours are cool, so you don’t expect much evaporation. This is not the case during day time when it’s likely to be sunny and hot. Too much heat increases evaporation rates.

The second best time of the day to water your garden
If you can’t water your plants at dawn, the best option is to water them mid-morning (from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.). Even though this might not have the same advantages as watering at dawn, these hours will be when the temperatures are still low, and there will not be much wind. The wind is normally calm from dawn until around midday. Watering at this time will also allow time for any excess water to dry off. Remember that excess water can damage the roots of your plants.

Some reasons why it’s advantageous to water your plants at midday include:

  • The sounds of your sprinklers will be heard when the neighbors have woken up, so no one will complain about you interfering with their sleep.
  • The sound of water running fast through the plumbing system as you water your plants will also not wake your neighbors because, already, they will be awake. Some people will even be at their workplace when you are watering.
  • Wading at dawn may interfere with water pressure. This can annoy some neighbors who also want to use the water in their showers. Most people will have taken their baths by midday, and no one will be concerned about water pressure.

Poor timing for watering your plant
It’s not advisable to water your plants in the afternoon for these reasons:
Late afternoon watering

  • It limits the hours your plants are in contact with the sun.
  • You’ll be wasting water since the plant will photosynthesize for a few hours.
  • When plants are wet at night, they will be susceptible to fungus and diseases.
  • Hardscaping, walls, wrought iron, wood, etc. that remain wet when darkness falls will have unwanted effects such as rusting.
  • The wind is typically strong in the late afternoon, which can interfere with your sprinkler system and lead to water waste.

Mid-day watering

  • Evaporation is highest at midday, leading to a higher rate of evaporation. You may waste a lot of water as you try to make up for the water loss through evaporation.
  • The wind is still a factor, though it may not be as strong as in the afternoon.

The worst time to water your garden
According to irrigation experts from Quench Irrigation, the worst time to water your plants is in the evening and at night, for the following reasons:
Some of the water you use for watering will leach past your plant roots when the sun rises, wasting this water.
Fungus and diseases
Fungi thrive in the dark, particularly in a wet environment. Night watering, for example, can cause mushrooms to grow on your lawn. This is the same case with plant diseases.
Just like fungus, mold can thrive in wet places. The unused water in your lawn will provide them with a conducive growing environment.
Algae typically form on wet surfaces, especially at night when temperatures are very low. Excess water from your sprinkler that goes on concrete surfaces, garden walls, driveways, stone walks, painted walls, stucco walls, and other hardscaping will provide a suitable environment for algae to grow.
Dry rot
Dry rot is formed when wood surfaces stay wet for long periods. Since water will not be evaporating at night, sprinkler overspray that ends up on wood surfaces will keep them wet throughout the night, which may cause dry rot.
Rusting occurs on wrought iron gates, fences, walls, and other home structures. Rusting usually takes place in the presence of water. So watering at night will accelerate the rate of rusting on your wrought iron structures.

From the above discussion, you can see that watering at dawn is the best time. Laso, you can see that watering in the evening has so many adverse effects. If you can’t water your plants at dawn, better hire an expert to do the job for you. Also, remember that it is unnecessary to water your plants daily, especially during rainy seasons.
For all your residential and commercial irrigation needs, contact Quench Irrigation.